Covid-19 Guidance
Our number one priority is the safety and well-being of our Team Members, Customers and Visitors.
Some things have changed so we ask for your understanding.
We have introduced enhanced cleaning procedures and increased frequencies for the sanitising of all surfaces.
Please keep away if you or anyone in your household are currently experiencing Covid-19 symptoms such as a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss of or change to your sense of smell or taste.
Please maintain a 2m distance from other customers and kindly observe our one-way flow.
Please keep your children close by so that they too maintain social distancing.
We ask that you use the hand-sanitiser provided at the counter.
Please do not sit at any tables that have not been sanitised since being vacated by the last customer(s).
Please do not clear any tables – ask one of our team to help.
‘Contactless’ is always our preferred method of payment.
Guests who fail to follow these procedures may be asked to leave.
Thank you for your support. Help keep us all safe.